A Roof Vacuum to remove harmful roof dust is necessary for homes over 30 years old. Roof dust is a common problem in many homes, especially older homes. The problem with roof dust is that it can harm the health of people in the house. Roof dust can contain allergens, bacteria, and even mould. These allergens can cause respiratory problems when inhaled, and bacteria and mould can cause infections. In severe cases, roof dust can even lead to death. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the problem and take steps to prevent it. If you’re renovating your home, seal off the roof cavity so that dust can’t get in. And if you have a damaged ceiling, be sure to clean up any roof dust immediately. Don’t take risks with your health – take action to protect yourself from roof dust today.

Industrial Roof Vacuum Machine

Our industrial Roof Vacuum machine stands outside the home. We do this to minimise the effect of ceiling dust in the home. The vacuum pipe is a 75mm diameter pipe that enters the home via roof space.


Roof Vacuum of Cellulose Insulation

There is a demand for Cellulose vacuums in many homes, particularly in the Western Cape. Our Industrial vacuum machine removes Cellulose Insulation and any other insulation in the roof space. 

Removing Cellulose Insulation with roof vacuum

Roof Dust Can Cause Respiratory Problems and Cancer

While a small amount of roof dust is not necessarily harmful, it can be dangerous if it builds up over time. This is because dust can contain air pollution particles, pesticides, and other harmful substances. When these substances are inhaled, they can cause various health problems, including respiratory infections, asthma, and cancer. Additionally, roof dust can also be a fire hazard. If the dust accumulates in large enough quantities, it can be a fuel source for a fire. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent roof dust from accumulating in your home. One way to do this is to seal any gaps around the eaves and in the roof. It will help to prevent new dust from entering the house. Another solution is to regularly vacuum or sweep the ceilings and roof to remove any build-up of roof dust.

A dusty roof before the Ceiling vacuum

Roof Dust Fire Hazard

Roof dust is very fine dust that builds up in the roof space. One of the biggest dangers is that roof dust can cause a fire in the roof space. The dangers of roof dust were highlighted in a recent case where a fire started in the roof space of a house and spread rapidly, resulting in significant damage to the property. The fire was caused by a build-up of roof dust ignited by a faulty electrical appliance. This highlights the importance of ensuring that roof spaces are clean and dust-free to avoid fire risk.


If your Roof Space is Dusty, Give us a call.

Types Of Dust Hazards

As any homeowner knows, a little dust is inevitable. But dust containing harmful chemicals like lead, asbestos and other toxic substances can be a serious health risk. These contaminants can add up to an unhealthy mixture of dust which may enter living areas during home maintenance jobs or renovations because of water damage or even from small cracks in the ceiling. Lead dust, for example, can cause serious health problems, especially for young children and pregnant women. Lead can affect the developing brains of young and unborn babies and their ability to learn. Ceiling dust can also trigger asthma attacks and cause respiratory problems. To protect your family’s health, it’s important to be aware of the types of harmful chemicals that may be present in your roof dust and take steps to ensure that the dust stays put inside the roof cavity. Insulation also acts as a barrier between the ceiling and the roof space.

Roof Ventilation Helps

Roof Ventilation units are one of the best ways to reduce roof dust. As we know, roof dust is airborne ultra-fine dust. In many cases, Roof dust is promoted by the fuel emissions of cars and trucks. It settles in the roof space and contains lead poison. Roof ventilation units remove stale air and hot air in the roof space while restricting incoming dust.